The Venus Project describes itself as “an organization that proposes a feasible plan of action for social change, one that works towards a peaceful and sustainable global civilization. It outlines an alternative to strive toward where human rights are no longer paper proclamations but a way of life.”
Jacque Fresco, its founder, was born in 1916 and at age 98 he still leads tours around Venus Project’s 21.5 acre research center with enthusiasm, indefagitable energy and infectious optimism for the future of human civilization. He is a futurist and self-proclaimed “social engineer” with a grand vision and design for an optimal human civilization that “celebrates the vast potential of the human spirit.”
On the property of the Venus Project, Jacque outpaced us along live oak and saw palmetto trails, past glittering ponds with Florida alligators sunning on their banks, to the futuristic structures he designed and built which are used to display live models and digital designs of a civilization that operates on a resource-based economy rather than on money, where food supply is no longer an issue and where civilizations can live on both land and sea without leaving a negative impact on ecosystems.
The charismatic Fresco has spoken at conferences around the world and has authored and produced a series of books and documentaries detailing the features and methods for engineering his vision. His book “The Best That Money Can’t Buy” goes into detail about the advantages of a resource based economy.
The Venus Project is named so after the town its research headquarters is located, not after the planet of Venus, although the name fits quite well with with Fresco’s forward thinking principles.
For more information on Jacque Fresco and the Venus Project visit: