Day 12: Monte Clifford Jordan

What do you do for a living?
I bless people with rocks and crystals. I am also a pastor at the Ministry of Reconciliation, but I do not make a living off that work. I also find housing for the homeless. I housed over 1,000 people in two years.
What do you do to feel alive?
I pray
A lesson you learned from your mother:
To test all gold that I buy – even if my mother is the one selling it to me.
A lesson you learned from your father:
How to be disciplined
What’s the most beautiful thing you saw today?
Probably my wife sleeping this morning, but sleeping – not awake
What’s one thing you wouldn’t want anyone to take away from you?
My eternal life
What thought would you like to never have again?
Hating people
If you could become an inanimate object what would it be?
The best way I can answer that is that I’m spiritual not physical and I couldn’t be in the form of an object
When do you feel most loved?
When I’m sleeping
If your life were to end tomorrow what would be left undone?
I haven’t led enough people to salvation.
What global issue would you take on if you didn’t have to worry about how?
Global salvation – meaning everlasting life for everyone
What’s the scariest thing that ever happened to you?
Drug addiction