Letter from the Editor

“The essence of warriorship, or the essence of human bravery, is refusing to give up on anyone or anything.”
– Chögyam Trungpa from “The Sacred Path of the Warrior”
What I learned while putting together this issue is that we don’t need Superheroes, Action Heroes or caped crusaders – all around us are people of extraordinary power willing to share their passion, their gifts, and their time to literally save the world.
In January we launched our Activate Project. We sent our red Activate flag to 10 people in different locations around the world. Each person who receives the flag will raise it for a cause important to them or to their community and then pass it on to someone else. We have already received 18 photos documenting the journey of each flag as they continue to travel from hand to hand across the globe.
The next step after raising awareness is taking action. In this issue we wanted to honor individuals who have answered a calling to action. For some the calling came after a tragedy while for others just the desire to see positive change in the world was enough to motivate them.
The heroes are all very different and their actions range from the simple act of creating a drawing (that is now very very famous) to climbing Mount Everest. The common thread we found among all of these heroes is dedication – none of them were willing to give up on what they knew was too important to give up on.
We will feature new stories every week from all over the world through the end of summer. If you want to share your story or the story of someone who has touched your life there is still time to be featured in this issue. You can also request a flag to be part of the Activate Project. For more information about the Activate Project visit our Activate Project Page or contact info@redflagmagazine.org.
Nicole Davis
Founder, Red Flag Magazine