Let the Games Begin

Posted on October 24th, 2015

So today is the day they’ve been waiting for. 3,543 bear hunting medallion holders will set foot on designated lands in the sate of Florida today to seek out their kill. Sounds like fun. Sounds like murder. Sounds like the news we all shudder about when we hear there was a bombing in a public square. A young student opening fire on his classmates. A father killing his entire family and then turning the gun on himself. A terror plot finally unveiled after years of planning and taking the lives of thousands of innocents.

When we step out into the world with the intent to kill we bring violence into this world. Violence does not discriminate. When it’s carried out against children, adults, or animals – it’s still violence. When there’s no purpose behind it, when it’s senseless, or worse yet, when it’s for sport – that’s when it’s even harder to forgive.

Today armed men and women, for the love of sport, for the thrill of the game, will kill living creatures in the midst of having their breakfast, foraging for food for their babies or finding a cozy spot to take a nap. Some nervous hunters with rusty bear hunting skills will kill mothers, leaving their young behind to fend for themselves. Soon after those babies will die too.

These men and women will get all dolled up in gear. They’ll drink some beers and eat some snacks they bought at the gas station when they filled their trucks up this morning. They’ll pull out their maps and plot out their course. It won’t be hard. These bears haven’t been hunted in over 21 years. The bears will be curious, calm and often in plane site for these armed men and women. The kill will be easy depending on the skill of the so-called “hunters”.

When the bears die, it will be really painful. These animals are large. No matter how big the gun, the bullet is merciless. The hunters are looking to kill in a spot that the taxidermists can work with. These will be long, painful deaths for all of them. With bow hunters it could potentially be even worse if they don’t hit the right vein – which most can’t. You’d have to be an Olympic level archer to kill a bear painlessly.

Once the bear dies. The hunter will pose next to their kill. They will likely post the photo on Facebook or Instagram. Some may fear the backlash of tens of thousands of people in protest of this hunt. They may have some sense and just text it to their friends or family members. Then they’ll attempt to drag the body out, but it will be damn heavy. They’ll need help.

At this point somewhere inside of them a small voice will speak up and say “Why the fuck did I do this? What the hell am I going to do with this goddamn bear?”

Some even smaller voice, which will grow louder will say “I feel kinda shitty for doing this. Was this right?”

It’s not right. It’s not cool. It’s murder. I’m not an extremist. I’m not some fanatical animal rights hippie person. I am a person who knows the laws of truth. What we bring into this world effects all of us. So I believe in choosing wisely and compassionately.

It’s been 21 years since bear hunting was permitted in Florida. There are only 3,500 bears in the entire state. Hunting was banned to allow their endangered population to come back. Why is it that humans seem to love to build things up and then tear them down. Today each medallion holder is permitted to kill one bear. With 3,543 medallion holders, that’s more bears than the 3,500 bears that the state has in existence. The state ruled the kill quota to cap at 320 bears. It’s going to be interesting figuring out how to enforce a cap at 320 kills among 3,543 men and women in very spiffy camo gear bearing arms hellbent to kill the bear they paid for.

In case you want to play their game too. Here’s their very complicated, well-thought-out strategy for their games this hunting season. Looks a lot like premeditated murder to me. http://myfwc.com/hunting/by-species/bear/rules/

If you want to stand behind non-violence, please choose compassion in each moment. I send my prayers to both hunters and bears today.

I wish the hunters had chosen peace and compassion today too. I fear a society where children are raised by men and women who choose to get dressed in gear and bear arms to kill for sport on a beautiful Saturday morning.
